Tuesday, October 8, 2013

                                                                        Written In Stone

            So lost with despair, so desperate for air, my heads spinning I resort to a little prayer. And it's not fair, for words with god I never share but this time I challenged him with just a little dare. And with this little dare I swear in such a rare kinda way that somewhere it must have flared. And from the ashes of a fire that hasn't retired or expired, I have now acquired what I've always admired. And such a desire I have, for a angel, that sees me at every single angle as she gambles with just a little sample, as my hearts now her vandal. But the candle she so carefully handles she's truly my mantle of my scrambled ends and where it also begins. She's the breath to my winds. And when the winds stop so does the clock, as she steals the monument with a kiss and her scent, where time is magically bent in a never ending event with wet cement is now our supplement. And as it dries, we are truly meant together forever because you were heaven sent and delivered to me, it's now set in stone we will forever be.

May/3/2013   Robert E Lane

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