Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hard Headed

I began to stumble, my legs almost crumbled my words jumbled as i found myself humbled, to the way u softly gazed, as my eyes swept across your face. As u gracefully walked my way, it was all i could do just to say hey and yes it was childishly played but i craved this upcoming masquerade before i betrayed my intentions that seem so strayed. But this book i go by, in everyday life, as somethings i want repeated twice, but on this day, the ink begins to fade, as my dreams begin to play. And with fate i played but my own ritual i disobeyed, as i'm headed for a blockade. I decided to  sway the weight, from side to side trying to find the reasons why you would even respond and its beyond reason that you would even correspond as i'm trying to figure out which side on the fence i should play on. But i show a respectful remorse as i may have to resort on this mission abort, when i cant even transport my words when they fall so short when trying to reach your mind. As i'm now inclined to rewrite this design, when i'm scared that you will run and hide, which leaves me flying blind to a wind so unkind, as i'm now aligned, to fall,
with no reason to stall, i'm dropping the ball and these maybe the last words i get to write you at all.
So i just want u to know, before you're willing to go, that you have beauty that only angels can show,
as u glow making me fall for you like the heaviest snow, its a damned marry go, when i'm trapped in vertigo. I'm tied, not wanting to fight or lose site of those eyes and its a damned surprise when i realize,
that i can't sympathize or even criticize that i have to compromise and come to grips with these ties. And i  advise myself that you have turned the time counterclockwise and i'm now lost in you deep inside.So as it seems that in me you have pried, so goodnight and sleep tight and if u meet me in your dreams through out the night, just hold me, till that morning light.

1 comment:

  1. This was my favorite one! love the way you write. are going to make a career around writing?
