Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mid-Night Madness

The Moon and her shining brightened Dark's life.
She made him feel loved on his loneliest of nights.
Dark cared for the moon as she lead the way through unknown skies.
Flying hand in hand, he felt so entranced, so mesmerized.
Through the stars of love, a trek so many dare not venture.
Or fail to fly with wings so tired, so broken, and ever so tender.
Many have not the strength as their souls fade away.
But dark, this game of death, ever so eager did he want to play.
The moon with her many faces, confounded the dark
Never showing emotion, never sharing her heart,
But watched with curious eyes so bright,
Wondering if her love was even known to the night.
The moon, she changed and often hid in the sky
Yet Dark still tried; he so desperately tried.
But he lost himself, his mind out of sight.
As he floundered in darkness, in despair for her light.
The moon wept love and the skies began to rain,
For she could not help, but continue to change.
Consumed with guilt, hiding away, silently watching, Dark fell insane.
He had sacrificed the nature of his very own heart
Without even realizing it from the very start.
As Dark receded back into the velvety night,
He vowed to the moon, whom was shining so bright,
Never will I love again, as I have loved your light.

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