Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mid-Night Madness

The Moon and her shining brightened Dark's life.
She made him feel loved on his loneliest of nights.
Dark cared for the moon as she lead the way through unknown skies.
Flying hand in hand, he felt so entranced, so mesmerized.
Through the stars of love, a trek so many dare not venture.
Or fail to fly with wings so tired, so broken, and ever so tender.
Many have not the strength as their souls fade away.
But dark, this game of death, ever so eager did he want to play.
The moon with her many faces, confounded the dark
Never showing emotion, never sharing her heart,
But watched with curious eyes so bright,
Wondering if her love was even known to the night.
The moon, she changed and often hid in the sky
Yet Dark still tried; he so desperately tried.
But he lost himself, his mind out of sight.
As he floundered in darkness, in despair for her light.
The moon wept love and the skies began to rain,
For she could not help, but continue to change.
Consumed with guilt, hiding away, silently watching, Dark fell insane.
He had sacrificed the nature of his very own heart
Without even realizing it from the very start.
As Dark receded back into the velvety night,
He vowed to the moon, whom was shining so bright,
Never will I love again, as I have loved your light.
Hard Headed

I began to stumble, my legs almost crumbled my words jumbled as i found myself humbled, to the way u softly gazed, as my eyes swept across your face. As u gracefully walked my way, it was all i could do just to say hey and yes it was childishly played but i craved this upcoming masquerade before i betrayed my intentions that seem so strayed. But this book i go by, in everyday life, as somethings i want repeated twice, but on this day, the ink begins to fade, as my dreams begin to play. And with fate i played but my own ritual i disobeyed, as i'm headed for a blockade. I decided to  sway the weight, from side to side trying to find the reasons why you would even respond and its beyond reason that you would even correspond as i'm trying to figure out which side on the fence i should play on. But i show a respectful remorse as i may have to resort on this mission abort, when i cant even transport my words when they fall so short when trying to reach your mind. As i'm now inclined to rewrite this design, when i'm scared that you will run and hide, which leaves me flying blind to a wind so unkind, as i'm now aligned, to fall,
with no reason to stall, i'm dropping the ball and these maybe the last words i get to write you at all.
So i just want u to know, before you're willing to go, that you have beauty that only angels can show,
as u glow making me fall for you like the heaviest snow, its a damned marry go, when i'm trapped in vertigo. I'm tied, not wanting to fight or lose site of those eyes and its a damned surprise when i realize,
that i can't sympathize or even criticize that i have to compromise and come to grips with these ties. And i  advise myself that you have turned the time counterclockwise and i'm now lost in you deep inside.So as it seems that in me you have pried, so goodnight and sleep tight and if u meet me in your dreams through out the night, just hold me, till that morning light.
                                                                        Written In Stone

            So lost with despair, so desperate for air, my heads spinning I resort to a little prayer. And it's not fair, for words with god I never share but this time I challenged him with just a little dare. And with this little dare I swear in such a rare kinda way that somewhere it must have flared. And from the ashes of a fire that hasn't retired or expired, I have now acquired what I've always admired. And such a desire I have, for a angel, that sees me at every single angle as she gambles with just a little sample, as my hearts now her vandal. But the candle she so carefully handles she's truly my mantle of my scrambled ends and where it also begins. She's the breath to my winds. And when the winds stop so does the clock, as she steals the monument with a kiss and her scent, where time is magically bent in a never ending event with wet cement is now our supplement. And as it dries, we are truly meant together forever because you were heaven sent and delivered to me, it's now set in stone we will forever be.

May/3/2013   Robert E Lane

Thursday, October 3, 2013

                          The Last Storm

The docks rocking, the waters not stopping, the waves
arnt dropping, the wakes arnt fading. My hearts racing,
with death chasing for a quick embrase, face to face
as i ask and say, take me to the beach before this water
begins to breach my lungs that burn with the water turns.
It spins and rips causing me to slip and trip into this liquid
abiss, but as I fall my mind seems to stall, trying to recall,
remembering when I hit that wall, causing me to be the
oceans ragdoll. But then it sinks, as im six feet benith,
this damn design in my mind, intertwinded with thoughts
of suiside that now completely bind. I'm now outta time but hell give
me a break theres no need for me to bake, but to my
mistake, the devil laughs as he slapps his knees, knowing
that I'm the one thats killing me. And it would seem that the atmosphere
I cant seem to adhear thats causing me to fear but yet
its so clear, as my deadline nears, that this surrounding
atmosphereic hell is balancing with the one inside myself.
I cant help but to scream when theres no upstream or
down, just the sound of a newly found quiet around, so from
one storm to another that smothers to where i cant recover.
Wrap me up in covers when im on the bed of death's as
his honored guest, with no regret for in stone its set,
that this soldier can finally breath, with the boots off his feet,
and hes finally able to sleep u know hes at peace. sleep tight

                                                                                 Robert E. Lane